I am so happy to report that the seminar I attended in August, presented by my friend, Michele Weiner-Davis (well-known author of “Divorce BustingĀ® “, “Healing From Infidelity” and “The Divorce Remedy”), was an incredibly enriching and intensive learning experience. in Boulder, Colorado. Michele is an amazing marriage therapist and teacher, who instills hope and confidence with couples and individuals who are seeking ways to rebuild and enhance their relationships during difficult times.
“Behind Closed Doors” was a thorough and rigorous 4-day program that covered many different methods for helping couples in conflict beat the divorce odds, even when there has been an affair, and one person has their foot out of the door.
I have been very fortunate to have studied with Michele Weiner-Davis over the years, not only with her books and seminars but knowing her personally. She is a vibrant and uplifting person, who brings hope and compassion to her work with many people, and follows her own advice, as witnessed by her marriage to her husband of over 40 plus years. Her solution-focused marital mindset can identify positive aspects in many different situations, with step-by-step methods to achieving positive outcomes with couples.
I am also a very positive and hopeful therapist, and truly appreciate Michele’s solution-focused and upbeat approach, in her work and personal life. Working with Michele has helped me incorporate my optimistic outlook with a compassionate therapeutic mindset, even when couples might feel that they are on the brink of divorce, or only one person wants to work on the relationship! As a relationship therapist, I love rejoicing with couples as they work hard learning new skills that change their relationships and their lives. It is truly a rewarding experience, and I love being a part of their process!
If you would like to learn more about Michele Weiner-Davis and her clinical background, she has a website, called DivorceBusting.com, and I highly recommend all of her relationship books that she has written over the last 25 years.
If you would like to contact me to get more information regarding my positive and solution-focused therapy process or would like to set up an appointment, just click on the Contact Me page here on my Website.
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